Your Neighbourhood Grocery Store

SVADH embodies the culmination of two years of relentless dedication and meticulous planning. Our journey is a testament to curating a harmonious blend of products and values, challenging norms while preserving the core of traditional retail. Through innovation, we've transformed concepts into tangible realities, seamlessly weaving sustainability into the fabric of daily life. Svadh isn't just a brand; it's a commitment to a conscious lifestyle, where every choice reflects a deeper understanding of our impact on the world. Join us on a journey where sustainability meets style, and together, we redefine the future of responsible consumption.
Call Us Anytime

Our Products

De-hydrated Dry Fruits
Raw Forest Honey

Harmful Chemical Free Healthy Organic Food

Seasonal Fruits & Vegetables

Fresh & Tastier Organic Products

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Collaborate, Earn, and See Your Opportunities Multiply!

Business Oppurtunities

Unlock lucrative business opportunities by partnering with Svadh! If you're keen on retailing our 100% organic products or eyeing a franchise venture in the future, seize this chance to be a part of our expanding network. Reach out to us to express your interest, and although we may take some time to respond, rest assured, your enthusiasm won't go unnoticed. Our promise? Assured returns, minimized risks, and long-term contracts that guarantee profitability. Step into a world of entrepreneurship with Svadh, where growth is inevitable and success is assured. Join our family today and embark on a journey of prosperity!
Making Healthy Organic Food Accessible

Our Franchise Benefits:

Low Cost Set-Up
Our franchise model ensures a minimal initial investment, allowing you to establish your store without the financial burden often associated with starting a new business. We provide all the necessary tools and guidance to get you up and running efficiently.
Cloud-Based Software
Our state-of-the-art, cloud-based software allows you to manage your store operations from anywhere, at any time. This ensures seamless inventory management, sales tracking, and customer relationship management, all through an easy-to-use platform.
Single-Person Operation
Our streamlined operations and efficient processes enable a single person to effectively manage the store. This reduces the need for extensive staffing, thereby lowering overhead costs and simplifying daily management.
Low Maintenance Cost
Our franchise model is designed to keep ongoing expenses low. From energy-efficient store layouts to cost-effective supply chain solutions, we help you maintain a high-profit margin without incurring substantial maintenance costs.
Agricultural Development Program

Fundraising to save rare crops and help farmers

Farmers Welfare
Rural Agriculture Funding
Agri Projects